(Δόξα τω Θεώ, βρέθηκαν πατέρες και αδελφοί στη Ρουμανία που αντέδρασαν στην προσπάθεια ορισμένων Συνοδικών τους να καταδικάσουν τον μακαριστό ευεργέτη τους Μητροπολίτη Κυπριανό -στη φωτογραφία με τον Άγιο Γλυκέριο, τον νυν Σεβασμιώτατο Μεθώνης Αμβρόσιο κ.ά. - και την φανταστική αίρεση του "Κυπριανισμού").

11 Μαρ 2025


  1. Thank you brothers, especially Nikolaos, for being interested in what's happening in our country. Please, pray for us and don't forget us! We need the Church to be United to work together for eradicating the Ecumenism Heresy, which however is very present among the new-calendarists (but NOT ALL OF THEM, only some bishops and priests, at least in our country).

    I just want to let you know that a lot of new-calendarists from our country(at least their faithful, but I know also priests) know that the adopting the new calendar innovation is not God's wish but they're afraid to fight.

    However, we will not help them if we treat them with superiority and with the limiting thinking of "We are the Church, you have to come back to us as we are the only one true orthodox (as 'Archbishop' Gregory of Denver and his disciples say)". May God bring peace and wisdom to our bishops and faithful!

    The most sinful man, and one of the authors of the letter,
    Andrei Mitocaru

    1. We thank you very much for this excellent letter which is characterized by a Christian spirit of love for the unity of the church and the faithful.
      Please keep us in your prayers as we will have you. I am very happy to meet you.

    2. Thank you brother for your beautiful words! I'm also very happy to meet you, even it's in this online environment!

